Manufacturing Jigs for TLSR8 Chips

Telink provides a variety of manufacturing jigs for TLSR8 Chips, customers can select the appropriate jigs according to the production stage and scale.

S/N Product Name Category
TLSRGSOCBK56B Telink Burning Board Burning EVK
TLSRGSOCMT1X1PRE-KIT TLSR8266 1x1 Jig Pretest+FW Burning Pre-test Tool
TLSRGSOCMT1X6PRE-KIT TLSR8266 1x6 Jig Pretest+FW Burning Pre-test Tool

Pre-test Tools

We have two kinds of pre-test tools. One is 1x1 test bench on which we use one jig evk to test one dut at a time, the other is 1x6 test bench on which we use six jig evk to test six dut in parral at a time. We strongly suggest customers use 1x1 test bench, not 1x6 test bench when customers are not familiar with them.

For more details please contact our sales team.